Quotes, aphorisms, maxims, words of wisdom – Andrzej Majewski

Quotes, aphorisms, maxims, words of wisdom – Andrzej Majewski

Policy Quotes

Cytaty, aforyzmy i sentencje o polityce

Politics is a great art. You need to know how to persuade people to pay for being robbed.

Well organized criminal group we call mafia, the best organized mafia we call the state.

Democracy is the most veiled form of tyranny.

History is not written by smoking canons but smoking cigars.

Politicians nonchalantly hold their hands in pockets – not theirs!

Despotisms are founded on cowards, democracies on fools.

Politicians’ relationships are highly complex. In the media they pretend to argue while in life they pretend to be friends.

Most people died in the name of peace.

A politician is a man who checks his views in the internet and his value in the bank.

Some politicians stupidity is outdone only by their voters’ stupidity.

Quotes about policy

Politics drives people and makes them push forward. Find out what the political quotes say about these procedures. Politicians often end up meeting their fate - sometimes the fate is cruel and gives them what they brought in themselves. In his aphorisms, Andrzej Majewski disagrees with the archetype of a politician - focused on profit, wealth, greedy, playing dirty and not by the rules, wanting all the power they can get. Learn about politicians and political leaders, and what they represent. Unlike artists, they mostly focus on living while they are still alive - to make the most of money and gather the most power. For aphorisms, the notion of enduring is essential, but these political quotes also describe how our world is run by politics. Events and individuals are immortalized in the historical events that they were a part of. These quotes about politics tell you more about current events, the true meaning behind them, the risks and threats they carry, and how cautious we should remain. It is a darker side of aphorisms by Andrzej Majewski, presented on this page. Political quotes can provide valuable lessons if you also choose to see what is really happening around you - view this category and quotes in it to find out what the author had in mind!
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