Quotes, aphorisms, maxims, words of wisdom – Andrzej Majewski

Quotes, aphorisms, maxims, words of wisdom – Andrzej Majewski

Love Quotes

The first true love is always the last one.

If love starts with jealousy, it will end with hate.

The thing about love is that when you divide it, it multiplies

It’s not true that love is blind if it looks through rose-colored Glasses.

Children need love the most when they deserve it least.

Youthful love is like being stuck in a bubble.

Devotion is not essential to religion, the essence of religion is love.

Some men share brotherly love. That of Cain and Abel.

A child wants a dog to love, a man – to be loved.

Women are beautiful in the light of the day, but are even more so in the shadows of the night.

Quotes about love

The main thing is that individuals in life are standing beside you regardless of what is happening at the moment. Andrzej Majewski’s aphorisms about the power of love - they teach that love is something that can end suddenly or dramatically, permanently or not for long, leaving wounds that may never heal. Quotes about partners with whom you collect good moments that you wish to remember, your soulmates with whom you click. Andrzej Majewski emphasizes the significance of getting closer to friends, speaking to individuals, combating solitude and anxiety and remaining encircled by healthy people. Love can be one of life's greatest gifts. The following are concepts mentioned in the love quotes, such as for how long it can last, the meaning of the person's life, how heartbreaking the end of a relationship can be to a person, some traits that love can be known for-how people can have fun with each other but also to a loving person to whom they can share their secrets. Writing about love represents one of the most lovely concepts which can greatly affect people and their identity. We develop relationships, meet boys and girls, grab something from others and maintain it in ourselves, develop it. After all, we create each other. Loving one another is crucial. These quotes teach about love, the deepest human emotion. Aphorisms about love make it accessible for everyone to understand this feeling, how to form a healthy relationship and maintain it for years to come, still going strong even after a lot of years.
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