Quotes, aphorisms, maxims, words of wisdom – Andrzej Majewski

Quotes, aphorisms, maxims, words of wisdom – Andrzej Majewski

Child Quotes

Cytaty, aforyzmy i sentencje o dzieciach

Children need love the most when they deserve it least.

Nature knows what she’s doing. As people age they become more childish so they can understand their grandchildren.

A child wants a dog to love, a man – to be loved.

The best way to deprive a child is to spoil it.

The only product that a man obtains with no instructions for use is a child.

Children are admonished by adults. Youth by peers. And adults by children.

Parents want to be so perfect in their children’s eyes that they keep their mistakes secret. This makes children perfect followers.

The shorter the leash you keep your child on, the further it will reach.

Present-day rulers used to be the children who did not succeed taking over the sandbox.

The young are astoundingly conformist in their rebelling.

Quotes about child

Children's quotes portray all the distinct characteristics of children. It points out all the small quirks, mocks the imperfections and describes the excellent and bad aspects of being a kid. The entire experience is described in the aphorisms by Andrzej Majewski, humorous, exciting, witty, sometimes a little unexpected, but always attempting to express truth in the most genuine manner. Quotes are meant to define both good characteristics and habits, as well as those imperfect ones, about which not everyone likes to speak, which many would prefer to hide. The aim of children's aphorisms is to correctly but less conventionally define them, and that's the function of these citations. It's all about saying something great with a few phrases, so that every term has more significance. These quotes about kids give their faults a distinct overview and really distinguish the finest components. All in all, these maxims are universal, they demonstrate existence, not always joyous, sometimes dramatic, sometimes tough, but ever genuine. Many of them regard and use common ideas, recognized by society, rewrite them, and over the years there are overall facts and statements produced by culture. Andrzej Majewski produced quotes, many of which can be reported, some of which are unexpected, some even disturbing, but they become even more interessant by their manner. Visit the child category of aphorisms by Andrzej Majewski and find out more!
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